Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Venue #1: Chocolate Factory

The location where the participants of the MEDS workshops retire to both relax and eat dinner every evening has a long history and amazing presence. When the participants leave at the end of the two weeks, a new coffee shop shall opened here alongside a gallery and studios.

Feel of the dinner (photo by Masha)
The Chocolate Factory was the first concrete building in Dublin and was buit as part of Williams & Wood Sweet Factory on King's Inn Street around 1910, and the Chocolate Factory became a place where well known sweets such as Tomblerone, Mind Crisp and various jam goodies were produced. Afterwards, the building became part of Simpson's Hospital and since 1978 changed its use to an archive and record storage.

The original furniture founded in the factory (photo by Masha)
The old four storey factory is being redesigned into a creative community centre today. The community centre offers space for different artists' studios and small businesses, such as the first rooftop "Urban Farm", which was opened on the roof of the building two years ago in order to try to educate people on various horticultural techniques. The coffee shop and gallery shall be open during September on the first floor.

"Urban Farm" on the roof of The Chocolate Factory

The intention is that the Chocolate Factory shall transform into a new creative centre of Dublin, through which positive influence shall be spread to the surrounding parts of the city.

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