Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Venue #2 - Seomra Spraoi

An autonomous social hub in the centre of Dublin, Seomra Spraoi is run by non-profit collective in order to create an affordable and approachable relief to the city culture that surrounds it. A host to the Waste Bicycles and Primitive DIY Photography workshops for MEDS (Meeting of Design Students), it is also host to film screenings, gigs, cafés and language lessons, as well as a host of other subjects for activity. By creating such a diverse range of experiences within its walls, Seomra Spraoi allows itself to cater for a wider range of individuals, further extending its positive relief from a city culture which has arguably become defined by property speculation and consumerist ideals. In essence, a city tailored less to the individual, and more to the culture of the car.

By challenging this culture, a truer value is experienced through their alternative selections, including vegan cakes and tea, Spanish language classes and camera-making; an insightful exploration into the mechanics of the camera, and photography as a whole. It is within the bicycle repair workshop that some MEDS students have made their home for two weeks, alongside their camera-making counterparts – making reusable DIY bicycles for later use to distribute food to the less fortunate.


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